Welcome to 3 Frames


3 Frames е агенция за визуални продукции, дизайн и дигитален маркетинг, която предлага пълен спектър от услуги в производството на видео, графичен дизайн, фотография, копирайт, преводи и рекламни услуги. Нашата основна цел е да позволим на нашите клиенти да постигнат маркетинговите си цели, да разкажат своята история по завладяващ начин, или да развият бизнеса си до едно изцяло различно ниво без да се налага да губят време в изпипването на всеки един детайл – и всичко това само за част от цената, която би струвало да го направите сами!

Независимо дали имате нужда от цялостна бранд стратегия от нулата или ви трябва динамично видео, презентация с инфографики, която да впечатли вашите партньори или просто искате да споделите какво точно правите – ние сме тук, за да ви помогнем!

Специализирани сме в създаването на висококачествени маркетингови продукти и решения, които ще гарантират постигането на изключителни резултати.


Video Production

Video Production

We can help businesses achieve more with compelling video content. We offer a full range of services at every step of the production process – from the concept design, through filming, all the way down to the editing and postproduction. We tailor-make video to help achieve your objectives. From solid research to the creative approach, from script to storyboard, we’ll handle everything.



A picture says a thousand words. And we specialize in capturing the highest quality images at every important event – both personal and corporate. Whether you need business portraits, a wedding shoot, event coverage or simply a good old family photo – we can make it happen! With the development in digital technology, the demand for premium imagery has never been higher. Our work not only impresses our clients and provides real visual value, but they also form an invaluable part of internal client communications and marketing material.

Brand Development

Brand Development

Apple is innovative. Ferrari is red. Adidas makes sure impossible is nothing. And we’re sure you’re Lovin’ it at McDonalds. But what is your company’s distinguishing feature? What is the message you want to convey to your audience? Or perhaps you’re stuck with the logo and colour pallette? Don’t fret! We’re here to help. Just send us a message about what you want to do and we will ensure you stand out!

Graphic Design

Graphic Design

Did you know that people perceive images 60,000 times faster than text? Which means you can paint a picture for your audience much faster with an actual picture. As you’ve probably noticed, infographics are an effective way to visualize information and data. Presenting data in a visual way has been proven effective for a long time. This is where we come in! Do you have an important presentation to make and don’t want to bore your audience with endless text slides? Look no further – we have the solution for you! With our graphic presentations, infographic videos and extensive experience in design, we can make sure your message gets seen, and most importantly – understood.



Have you ever lost confidence in a brand simply because of a typo in their product description? Or perhaps “this good produkt can is give you very great business” doesn’t really lead you to believe it actually will? The language and tone of your message can and will affect the way your business operates. Which is why we offer a selection of language services and text content creation, tailored to suit your every need. Copywriting is not just about increasing revenue, it’s about creating a brand and telling a story. It is a subtle art of leading potential customers to take that next step, now that you have their attention. Don’t let it be the breaking point in achieving your goals!

Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality

Don’t just see it. Experience it. Recent technological advancements have paved the way for an entirely new breed of marketing – Virtual Reality. This powerful tool allows you to immerse yourself entirely in any environment. Perhaps you’d like to see what Bali looks like before you book your trip? Or that investor from China wants to see the new apartment complex without having to travel thousands of miles to do so? Or you’d like to show people around your brand new office without them having to even be there? All of this is possible! All you need to do is let us know what you need and we will help boost your business into the digital age.

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3 Frames have been amazing in helping me set up my vlog! The level of professionalism and commitment shown in our work is unparalleled and I highly recommend them to anyone who wants to get a top-class visual product!

Radost Todorova, Miss Bulgaria - Universe 2015.


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ул. Тракия 35, 5 ет.

София, България


+359 886 938 750




Ние работим заедно с редица доказани специалисти в различни области, които гарантират висококачественото изпълнение на вашите проекти.